Carlos Bernal Iglesias, a leading Spanish multimedia artist and conceptual photographer, has woven an exceptional trajectory from humble beginnings, self-taught in 1984. His work, which delves into the boundaries of reality and perception, has resonated internationally in galleries in New York, Madrid, Barcelona and Hamburg, as well as at distinguished art fairs such as the Miami River Art Fair, bestowing him with notable awards, including the Gold Star for Professional Excellence.

Carlos, who began his journey in 1982 with photography, has evolved from professional photographer in renowned agencies to exploring avant-garde territories such as quantum art. After a hiatus in 1999, he returned to the advertising field with his own style, standing out in 2005 with notable projects, such as the header photo for the Hispanic-American Summit in Salamanca, a campaign for Jazztel and the Antolin automobile group.

His work transcends mere visual aesthetics, carrying with it a spiritual message of self-knowledge. By exploring themes such as subconscious programming and creative manifestation, Carlos invites viewers to go beyond conventional reality, connecting with other dimensions. His artistic statement reflects this philosophy: "Reality is a projection of our subconscious and my art is based on the fact that we can program that subconscious and see it in reality."

Carlos has also made his mark in the publishing world, with several photobooks in the permanent collection of the Photo-Book Museum in Cologne, Germany. His prolific creativity continues, sharing a unique perspective on the flexible nature of reality and conveying a spiritual message and inner knowing through his art.